Monday, April 18, 2005

Initial Post - Let's get started!

It's finally time. The initial post of the ZEN-SEM blog is here! Of course, ZEN-SEM stands for Zunch Englightened News - Search Engine Marketing. Yep, another SEM blog for those who care to visit.

Of course, you say, Zunch already has a wonderful blog here...And yes, it is wonderful. That blog will continue to provide witty insight into the world that is Zunch.

This blog, on the other hand, is designed so that the Zunch Interactive Marketing and Search Engine Marketing teams can comment on the daily happenings OUTSIDE of Zunch. When the search engines launch a new feature, we'll comment on it. When a new interactive PR technique is used with success (or failure) we'll be there to talk about it.

Basically, this is the hot off the presses opinions of the Zunch team on what's going on in the world of SEM and other interactive marketing. We invite you to join in, comment and let us know what you think.

What a long, strange trip it's going to be! We can't wait.


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