Are Yahoo's top rankings being hijacked?
What makes this even more interesting is that the #1 spots that the sites are occupying appear normal with the right title tag, copy snippet and green URL. However, once you click the Yahoo! SERP link you're taken to and then forwarded to the actual site with a bizcom tracking code.
Of interesting note is that the owner of these sites advertises through listings and through their PPC program. So it may be possible he is paying for all of these clicks. They did tell me that traffic was up significantly.
I've provided some information below on what's happening:
Case 1
A Yahoo! search for [texas real estate license]:

Click to Enlarge
The #1 natural spot embedded link is:
The embedded link is:
Clicking on the #1 natural spot listed as "" takes you through several 302 redirects one of which redirects to
See the whole request process with headers here.
As a comparison here is the #2 spot headers here.
You eventually wind up at:
Case 2
A Yahoo! search for [illinois real estate license]:

Click to Enlarge
The #1 natural spot embedded link is:
Clicking on the #1 natural spot listed as "" takes you through several 302 redirects one of which redirects to
See the whole request process with headers here.
As a comparison here is the #3 spot headers here.
You eventually wind up at:
Case 3
A Yahoo! search for [property management and construction software]:

Click to Enlarge
The #2 natural spot embedded link is:
Clicking on the #2 natural spot listed as "" takes you through several 302 redirects one of which redirects to
See the whole request process with headers here.
As a comparison here is the #1 spot headers here.
You eventually wind up at: